Monday, February 16, 2009


My purpose with this blog is to catalog Stanley Kubrick's hidden messages in his film Eyes Wide Shut. Other people online have attempted to do this, but I feel like often times this film and it's hidden meanings are misconstrued or expounded upon past the point of believability by conspiracy theorists. I am very interested in the themes in Kubrick's work. Primarily, the theme of power (elitism, deception, propaganda, violence, etc.), which consistently appears in his films.

I am well aware of the power systems that exist in the United States and the world at large. The Bilderberg Group, Freemasons, The Bohemian Club (I work around the corner from the headquarters of the Masons and Bohemians), The Council on Foreign Relations, Skull and Bones... they all undeniably exist. As well as powerful multi-national banks and corporations. However, I have seen far too many unsubstantiated attempts to link Kubrick's final masterpiece with conspiracies (such as 9/11, world govt, false flags, faked moon landing...) and it bothers me because there is a wealth of demonstrable hidden messages that many non-conspiracy theorist Kubrick fans may never know because they are reluctant to go down that road. Some of these hidden messages have nothing whatsoever to do with secretive elite organizations and a few of them are even light-hearted and humorous.

It is my belief that while Kubrick obviously had a personal distrust (to put it mildly) of the elite and their abuses of power; he subtly intertwined these themes to express his frustration with power structures while at the same time strengthening the dramatic and narrative impact of his films.

This blog will serve as an ongoing forum for legitimate analysis of these messages...

***It should be noted that an English blogger and filmmaker, Rob Ager, has already written a sober, in-depth analysis sharing some of the points that will appear in this blog. I wish to add to what he has done as well as offer some differing opinions... either way, I applaud what he his work and will make a note of where we overlap or differ.

Read his brilliant analysis at:

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